Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, January 15th

Next week, we have PE on Wednesday. 

January 20, 2020- No School- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
February 11, 2020-Field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Dear Parents,

Please remind your child to bring their recorder for music. Next week, we have music on Tuesday and Friday.
Also, if you have not had a chance to pay for your child’s recorder please do so as soon as possible.

We have scheduled our third field trip, to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, for Tuesday, February 11th.
You can use the following link to sign the permission slip and pay the field trip fee. You can also let us know
if you would like to be a chaperone for this trip via the link- we will need parent volunteers!  In order to chaperone,
you must have completed a school background check. We would like to have at least 5 parents come with us.
Parents who chaperone will need to send in a check or cash for their entrance to the museum- $7. Parents are
not able to pay their portion online.  Thank you!

 On Monday, we had our first lesson with Blue Sky Bridge. Hopefully your child shared the short handout that was sent home on Monday about body safety and the touching rules.  They will visit our classroom again on 1/27, 2/3, and 2/10.

We completed our humorous text set and completed a short opinion writing about which of the texts we read was
the funniest. We also started a realistic fiction genre study this week.
In writing, students wrote to a narrative prompt.  They read two texts and then had to write a letter to one of the
characters from the point of view of another character.  

This week, we continued Unit 4, Addition and Subtraction of Multi-digit Numbers. We worked on rounding numbers
to the nearest hundred and ten.  Please practice rounding with your child at the store and when you are going out
to eat by asking questions like: About how much money do you think we are going to spend? Students also
explored strategies to add multi-digit numbers. Next week we will continue reviewing addition strategies and start
to explore multidigit subtraction with regrouping. 

This week we continued our Metric Measurement and Matter unit.  We are investigating the characteristics of
the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. We are also learning about how matter can change phases. 

Please help your child to remember to complete their homework each night and return it the next day.
Often, at this time of year, we can see motivation for school drop a bit. Encourage your child to continue to
do their best work and try their hardest while they are in school. We appreciate all of your support from home. 

Enjoy the long weekend.

Mrs. Galt