Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday, January 10th

Next week, we have PE on Monday and Thursday.

January 20, 2020- No School- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Dear Parents,

Please remind your child to bring their recorder for music. Next week, we have music on Wednesday.

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. It was great to see everyone and jump back into our work.  I am always impressed by the academic, social, and emotional growth that takes place during the second half of our third grade year. Please continue to communicate with me about how I can best support your child. 

Next week third grade will be starting a 4 week long unit on personal body safety. We are honored to have Blue Sky Bridge, a group dedicated to ending child abuse, here each Monday. Hopefully you were able to have any questions about this program answered at the parent event earlier this week or you can talk to Erin McCort,, our counselor, if you have further questions.  

Students are coming home with information about the Kids Heart Challenge in their Friday folders. If you would like to donate to this cause, the best way to do this is online. 

We are reading a humorous text set together and discussing what makes stories funny.  Providing evidence for our thinking is a major focus of our work. For example, “I think it was funny when…...because…….”
Students are also working on writing short personal narratives to a prompt on their Chromebooks. 

We started Unit 4, Addition and Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers this week and spent a few days reviewing place value. Please continue to support your child with regular multiplication, division, addition and subtraction math fact practice.  Also, your child is welcome to complete iReady math lessons at home for extra practice. 

We are well into our  Metric Measurement and Matter unit. We are investigating the metric system of measurement and have used a balance scales to measure mass in grams, syringes to measure volume in milliliters, and meter sticks to measure distance.  We are also learning about the three states of matter and how matter can change. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Galt