Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Next week we have PE on Thursday.

Please remind your child to bring their recorder for music. Next week, we have music on Wednesday.

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. It was great to see everyone and jump back into our work.  I am always impressed by the academic, social, and emotional growth that takes place during the second half of our third grade year. Please continue to communicate with me about how I can best support your child.  

Students are coming home with information about Jump Rope For Heart in their Friday folders. They also have a permission slip for our upcoming field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  It is very helpful to have chaperones for this trip, so please join us if you have your background check completed and the day free.  Thank you!

We started our second narrative writing unit. We will spend time reading and analyzing traditional fairy tales, then students will be writing their own version of a well known fairy tale over the next few weeks.  This is a fun unit for everyone!

We are well into Unit 4, Addition and Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers. This week we worked on rounding numbers to the nearest hundred and ten.  Please practice rounding with your child at the store and when you are going out to eat by asking questions like: About how much money do you think we are going to spend? Students also explored strategies to add multi-digit numbers.

Our next math homework packet was sent home on Monday.  It needs to be completed by Monday, February 5th.  It is important for your child to continue to practice with concepts already presented so that they can embed them in their learning. You and your child can make decisions about when to complete this work, but we encourage you to have them solve some of the problems each day after school so that it doesn’t become a huge burden just before it is due.

Social Studies:
This week we continued our unit on Regions of the United States. We are learning key
characteristics about individual regions: landforms and bodies of water, climate, products and natural resources, culture, and landmarks.  Students will compare and contrast these characteristics for the 5 major regions of the United States and develop an understanding of how these characteristics influence the people who live in the region.  

Homework Ideas for Next Week
  • Complete the mystery state assignment.
  • Write the weekly Dictado sentence each night in the Homework notebook.
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons at least once per week.
  • Practice all X and / (0-10) 5-10 minutes daily
  • Practice addition and subtraction facts; sums through 20
  • Complete problems in the assigned Math Homework Practice Packet Due Monday, February 5th

Important Dates to Remember

Monday, January 15- No School MLK Jr. Day

Thursday, January 25- Field Trip to the Museum of Nature and Science.

Please be sure to check the Friday Folder for some important information from our wonderful PTA about their upcoming fundraiser- Trivia Night and the Silent Auction.

Enjoy the long weekend.


Mrs. Aisha Galt