Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday, December 22nd, 2017

The week of January 8th we have PE on Tuesday and Friday

Dear Parents,

I can't believe it is already winter break. This year is flying by so quickly!

Thank you to our room mother, Chamisa Logemann, and all of the other parents who made our winter party a success.  The kids had a blast!

I would like to say thank you for all of the wonderful gifts. I feel blessed to be able to spend each day teaching your children and loved by all your thoughtfulness. Thank you.

Please continue to collect Box Tops!  This is a great and easy way to support our school.  Student council will be sponsoring another Box Top contest after winter break.

This week students worked on publishing one of their opinion pieces.  They will be hanging in the hall for our school community to read after winter break. After break we will begin a narrative writing unit using fairy tales as the structure to write our own “fractured” fairy tales.

We started Unit 4, Addition and Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers this week and spent a few days reviewing place value.  We will continue this unit when we return from break. I know you keep hearing me say practice math facts, but memorized multiplication and division facts 1-10 and subtraction and addition facts through sums of 20 are imperative for fluent problem solving as math content gets more difficult.  The car is a great place to practice math facts, your kids can quiz you too, which can make it more fun for them. 

Social Studies:
This week we continued our unit on Regions of the United States.  We will finish up this unit shortly after we return from winter break.

Homework Ideas for Winter Break
  • Encourage your child to read independently and with you.  Take some time to talk about the texts.
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons
  • Practice addition and subtraction facts sums through 20
  • Practice all X and / (0-10) 5-10 minutes daily
Important Dates to Remember
Saturday, December 22-January 8 Winter Break
Tuesday, January 9 First day back after Winter Break

Thank you again for supporting your kids every day! Happy holidays and have a safe and restful break.  See you all in 2018!!

Students first day back  is Tuesday, January 9th.

Aisha Galt