Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11th

Dear Parents,

We had a great week!  Students wrote informational writing pieces about paleontologists and studied their personal spelling words during our literacy block.  We are continuing to read in small groups focusing on comprehension and answering questions using evidence from the text. I have all the kids go back and use direct texts to answer questions. Please try this at home while reading with your child. Hopefully you and your child are enjoying Reading Plus. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about that.

We are working on telling time to the minute and solving elapsed time problems in math.  Please continue to support your child with telling time.  Elapsed time is a tricky concept and practice is extremely helpful.  Students will continue to complete multiplication and division Math Dash quizzes throughout the school year.  Regular math fact practice should continue to be part of your child’s nightly homework routine. 

In social studies, students are working in small groups to become experts about one region of the United States.  They will complete an informational poster about their region and will share their work with the class next week.  We will have our final assessment for this unit of study next Thursday.

We also completed an Hour of Code activity this week!  Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science.  It is designed to give students around the world a positive coding experience to show that anyone can learn the basics.  We used activities on the site  Students were engaged and excited about their work. We hope to complete other coding activities later in the school year.

I hope to see you at our winter party on Friday, December 18th from 1:30 to 2:30.  Please take a moment to sign up to help if you can.  Thank you!

Have a fantastic weekend. 

Aisha Galt

Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, December 4th

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your family. It's hard to believe that in just two short weeks we will be on winter break! This week has flown by and we have accomplished so much. 

Congratulations to our class for winning the Silver Can Award for the school food drive school contest. We did not win the pizza party, but our class brought in the second highest number of food times. Thank you for helping us achieve this goal!!

Language Arts
Reading: Reading groups continue to work on short, non-fiction pieces. We are working on comprehension skills and using the text to confirm our understanding. The kids are getting really good at going back into the text to support their ideas as they read. 
Writing: We started a new writing unit this week, which will carry us most of the way through January. We are working on Informative/Explanatory writing. During this unit we will work on research skills and using text to support our writing. Students will develop a topic by grouping related information and expanding the topic with facts, definitions and details. 
Spelling/Word Work: We have been working on contractions and homophones during our word work. We will continue to explore and practice these two topics through the rest of the month. The last week before winter break your child will have another spelling test and bring home a new word list to work on. 

This week we started Unit 3- Measurement, Time and Graphs. In this unit your child will explore measurement with US Customary units and Metric units, use data to create and read graphs and use number lines to represent time intervals. We hope to complete this unit before we leave for winter break. This week's focus was on measurement; next week we will work on telling time and understanding elapsed time; we will finish up with graphing before the assessment. Please support your child by talking about measurement when cooking and at the store, as well as telling time throughout the day.  Thank you!

Social Studies
Our new Social Studies unit is about the Regions of the United States. Students are learning what a region is and exploring the 5 regions of the US (West, Southwest, Midwest, Southeast and Northeast). They are very excited about this unit and have enjoyed sharing about their travels and family members who live in various regions of the US. 

Mark Your Calendars
Friday, December 18- Holiday concert and all school sing along. Stay tuned for the time. 
Friday, December 18- Winter classroom party 1:30-2:30 - be on the lookout for an email from our room mom about how you can help with the party. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 


Aisha Galt

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, November 19th

Dear Parents,
Thank you for sending in food for the Kohl Food Drive. We still have another day to bring in food, and Mr. Lowe has offered to buy pizza for the class with the highest donation of food!

Our field trip is tomorrow. All children will need a sack lunch and drink, comfortable walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Chaperones, please be at school by 8:35. We will be leaving to walk to the Auditorium at 8:45 and will return around 1:30. Thank you for volunteering to walk with us. 

I am sending home a Scholastic book order tomorrow. There are several different order forms attached with many great holiday book bargains. If you would like to do a little early holiday shopping, please have your orders in online by Wednesday, December 2nd.  Please use our class order code, which is attached to the packet. That way I can get them back to you before we leave for winter break. If you are interested in buying books for your child as a gift, I am happy to hold onto them for you until you can come to school and pick up your order. Just let me know in an email.

Your child will also have their report card in their Friday folder.  Please return the signed report card envelope on Monday, November 30th.  Thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your families.  I am so thankful to be part of the Kohl community!


Aisha Galt

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday, November 6th

Dear Parents,

As we come to the close of our first trimester of third grade, we can look back at how much we have learned over the last few months. Your kids have been working very hard, and I am proud of their efforts and growth so far this year. 

Our students are busy publishing their adapted fairy tales. We will have a publishing celebration on Tuesday.  Students will have an opportunity to share their published work with third graders from other classes and with Mr. Lowe, who is joining us for our celebration.
Earlier this trimester, students wrote many small moment personal narratives and took one of their stories to the publishing stage.  We are consistently working on responding to texts orally and with well written answers that use evidence from the texts to support our thinking.
In spelling we are continuing our work on spelling patterns and our personal spelling lists.  

Unit 2 has been a lot of practice with all of the multiplication and division facts and how to use them in one and now two step word problems. The class is doing a good job using a step-by-step method to think about what the problem is asking them to do, find the important information, and then writing and solving the equation.  It is imperative that your child studies their multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction facts on a regular basis at home.  The math facts are foundational to continued success in mathematics. 

Social Studies:
Last week we finished up our Life Cycles unit in science, and now we are moving on to the second unit of Social Studies- Regions of the United States. Your child will be studying 5 different regions in the United States, the states that make up each region, and the history, people and cultures of those regions. 

Your child is bringing home a permission slip for our next field trip and an important letter about the Reading Plus program in their Friday folder.  Please return the permission slip early next week.  Students are familiar with Reading Plus and should be comfortable using this resource for their weekly reading log.  I will continue to send the weekly reading log home, but they can now simply write Reading Plus in the nightly comment area when they use this program. I would like to see all students use Reading Plus at least once a week.  I will be able to monitor their work on Reading Plus.  If weekly computer access in not possible for your child, please let me know.   Thank you!
Thank you to Korri Skibinski, our room mother, and to all of the parents who contributed supplies, for creating a wonderful fall party for our class. Students had a lovely time celebrating today! 

Important Dates:
Wednesday, November 11- NO SCHOOL-VETERANS DAY
Friday, November 20-Walking Field Trip to see The Music Man
Friday, November 20- First Trimester report cards go home

Have a wonderful weekend with your families. See you next week.


Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, October 23rd

Friday, October 23rd

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday!

Students completed their first unit math test last week, and many of them did very well.  Tests will be coming home in Friday folders today.  We started Unit 2 this week.  Unit 2 focuses on multiplication and division with 6s, 7s, 8s, and how to multiply with multiples of 10.   You may have noticed that we skipped some pages and problems for unit one in the Homework and Remembering workbook. I encourage your child to complete these pages for extra practice at some point, but I will not officially assign them.

Thank you for your continued support.  I hope to see you at the Kohl Carnival tomorrow.


Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 16th

Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day!

Thank you for coming to your child’s parent teacher conference.  After meeting with all of you I understand why we have such a wonderful class.  You are a group of very supportive parents.  Please continue to talk to your child about their goals at school and let me know if you have any questions or concerns as the year progresses. 

I spoke with many of you about the importance of studying math facts with your child.  Please check out the math links on our classroom website

Reviewing your child’s math homework and reading log with them is also a great way to support your child’s academic growth.  Thank you!

Important Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, October 20th: Individual Picture Re-Takes
Saturday, October 24th: Kohl Carnival


Mrs. Aisha Galt