Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 16th

Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day!

Thank you for coming to your child’s parent teacher conference.  After meeting with all of you I understand why we have such a wonderful class.  You are a group of very supportive parents.  Please continue to talk to your child about their goals at school and let me know if you have any questions or concerns as the year progresses. 

I spoke with many of you about the importance of studying math facts with your child.  Please check out the math links on our classroom website

Reviewing your child’s math homework and reading log with them is also a great way to support your child’s academic growth.  Thank you!

Important Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, October 20th: Individual Picture Re-Takes
Saturday, October 24th: Kohl Carnival


Mrs. Aisha Galt