Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11th

Dear Parents,

We had a great week!  Students wrote informational writing pieces about paleontologists and studied their personal spelling words during our literacy block.  We are continuing to read in small groups focusing on comprehension and answering questions using evidence from the text. I have all the kids go back and use direct texts to answer questions. Please try this at home while reading with your child. Hopefully you and your child are enjoying Reading Plus. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about that.

We are working on telling time to the minute and solving elapsed time problems in math.  Please continue to support your child with telling time.  Elapsed time is a tricky concept and practice is extremely helpful.  Students will continue to complete multiplication and division Math Dash quizzes throughout the school year.  Regular math fact practice should continue to be part of your child’s nightly homework routine. 

In social studies, students are working in small groups to become experts about one region of the United States.  They will complete an informational poster about their region and will share their work with the class next week.  We will have our final assessment for this unit of study next Thursday.

We also completed an Hour of Code activity this week!  Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science.  It is designed to give students around the world a positive coding experience to show that anyone can learn the basics.  We used activities on the site  Students were engaged and excited about their work. We hope to complete other coding activities later in the school year.

I hope to see you at our winter party on Friday, December 18th from 1:30 to 2:30.  Please take a moment to sign up to help if you can.  Thank you!

Have a fantastic weekend. 

Aisha Galt