Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, November 19th

Dear Parents,
Thank you for sending in food for the Kohl Food Drive. We still have another day to bring in food, and Mr. Lowe has offered to buy pizza for the class with the highest donation of food!

Our field trip is tomorrow. All children will need a sack lunch and drink, comfortable walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Chaperones, please be at school by 8:35. We will be leaving to walk to the Auditorium at 8:45 and will return around 1:30. Thank you for volunteering to walk with us. 

I am sending home a Scholastic book order tomorrow. There are several different order forms attached with many great holiday book bargains. If you would like to do a little early holiday shopping, please have your orders in online by Wednesday, December 2nd.  Please use our class order code, which is attached to the packet. That way I can get them back to you before we leave for winter break. If you are interested in buying books for your child as a gift, I am happy to hold onto them for you until you can come to school and pick up your order. Just let me know in an email.

Your child will also have their report card in their Friday folder.  Please return the signed report card envelope on Monday, November 30th.  Thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your families.  I am so thankful to be part of the Kohl community!


Aisha Galt