Sunday, September 30, 2018

Friday, September 28, 2018

Next week we have PE on Wednesday.

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday!  We had a fantastic and busy week.

Your child should have come home with a ziploc bag full of multiplication and division flash/strategy cards on Thursday.  This is a great resource for nightly math fact practice.

The online sign up for parent-teacher conferences will available to you on Monday, October 1st. Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 18h. Thank you in advance for signing up. I am looking forward to sharing your child's progress and setting some goals for this year. If for some reason these dates do not work for your schedule, please let me know so we can arrange another time to meet. It is important that I communicate with all my families during conference time.  Your child is welcome to come to the conference.

Literacy: Students are working on a book of short personal narratives!  We practiced the essential elements of a well written narrative paragraph. Each narrative should include: an introduction sentences that capture the reader’s attention and introduces the topic, at least three strong detail sentences, and a conclusion sentence.  Next week, students will publish a personal narrative paragraph. These will be on display in the hallway, and we will use this first writing as a baseline for growth throughout the year. Our next writing unit is informational writing.

Math: We will have our first unit assessment on Wednesday of next week. This will cover all multiplications and divisions of 0,1,2,3,4,5,9 and 10 facts. Students will need to be able to solve math fact problems and word problems using both multiplication and division. I will be able to support students on the test by reading the problems, but they need to be able to do the math on their own.
Students will begin having Math Dashes next month. These are short, ‘timed’ fact checks for students. Students will work on each one until they pass it and then move on to the next. The first dash will cover facts of 2s and 5s multiplications. The second is 2s and 5s divisions. When your child passes all of the dashes I will treat them to an ice cream sandwich for all of their hard work. This usually takes several months.

Social Studies/Science: We are wrapping up our first unit in Social Studies, local community government. Students have learned about many important people in our local government, how our local government works, and how we can have a voice in our community. We will have an assessment on this unit early next week.

Our next unit will be Science- Life Cycles!

Homework for next week:
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons at least once per week.
  • Check in with your child about their Mystery State assignment.  Help your child practice their Dictado sentence. This should be written in their homework notebook each week.
  • Practice math X and / facts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10. 10 minutes daily
Mark Your Calendar:
Monday, October 8th-Coffee at Kohl 8:30-9:30 (Focus-CMAS Assessment Data)
Friday, October 12th-Teacher Professional Development Day-No School for Students
Tuesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 18th-Parent Teacher Conferences

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Aisha Galt