Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018

Next week we have PE on Tuesday and Friday.

Dear Parents,

Thank you for supporting the Broomfield Days parade.  Our class had the highest participation in the school!  We were rewarded with a school spirit trophy, and PTA provided breakfast for our class this morning.  

On Monday, our third grade team spent most of the day organizing our new literacy curriculum materials.  We are excited to start using them with our students. There are many high quality texts that will support shared reading, interactive read-aloud, guided reading, and independent reading within our classroom.  


Literacy: Your child’s login information for ReadingPlus or  iReady is in the Friday folder today. We are using both programs in the classroom to help improve reading fluency, comprehension and vocabulary development.  I encourage you to have your child use their assigned program at least once a week at home to support their reading development.

We are continuing our work with personal narratives and look forward to sharing our published work with you during parent teacher conferences in October.  
We started a cooperative teaching unit with Mrs. Sbrocca, which focuses on health and safety.  Students are learning about the importance of healthy lifestyle choices.

Math:  We continued our work with multiplication and division. Please take some time to look over your child’s nightly math homework.  This will give you a snapshot of what we are working on in class. Students were introduced to the area model and the distributive property of multiplication. These concepts are difficult for some students to understand, please know that we will continue to revisit this formula and strategy for problem solving.  Students were also introduced to the 4s multiplication and division facts. They also practiced 2s, 3s, 5s, 9s, and 10s multiplication and division problem solving. It is imperative that your child practice their multiplication and division facts each day for 5-10 minutes. Thank you for your support with this!

Social Studies:  We have been working on a unit about our community. This week we talked about who works in a community and the difference between public and private services.. Next week, we will be exploring who works at City Hall and talking a little about how the government works in a local setting.

Homework for next week:
I am impressed with how well the students are doing with their homework.  Most of them are completing their work and returning it on time. We discussed as a class how important it is to learn the responsibility of homework, both doing and returning it.
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons at least once per week.
  • Check in with your child about their Mystery State assignment.  Help your child practice their Dictado sentence. This should be written in their homework notebook each week.
  • Practice math X and / facts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10. 5 to 10 minutes daily.
  • Read 15 to 20 minutes each day after school.
Mark Your Calendar:
Monday, October 8th-Coffee at Kohl 8:30-9:30 (Focus-CMAS Assessment Data)
Friday, October 12th-Teacher Professional Development Day-No School for Students

Enjoy the weekend!  
Mrs. Aisha Galt