Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2, 2016

Dear Parents,

It has been a good week in third grade!  Students are learning our classroom structures quickly and seem motivated to do their best work. 

Thank you to those of you who have had a chance to pay our $8 third grade fee.  This money is used for project supplies and supplemental reading materials.  If you have not had a chance to turn this money in, please send it to school with your child as soon as possible.  You can also drop it off at the front office.  Thank you! 

We are excited to have a Chromebook cart for the third grade this year!  30 new Chromebooks will greatly improve our access to technology and ability to have all students use computers as learning tool on a regular basis.  Students are encouraged to bring a pair of earbuds or earphones to school.  They will keep them in their desk for the school year.

Important Calendar Dates:
1. Monday, September 5th- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
2. Individual Picture Day-Thursday, September 8rd Please turn in your order form, if you would like pictures.
3. Monday, September 19th Assessment Day- Please see details below


Official homework started this week. Here is the information again about when homework is due and how to know what the homework is each day. 

On Monday your child will bring home a reading log/Dictado practice and a Mystery State. This is weekly homework and is due on Friday. Your child should create a plan at home to complete this part of homework during the week.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we will have math homework. This usually comes home in their purple math homework book. Each assigned page will have the day's date at the top and the assigned problems to complete. Some children have also decided to put a sticky note on the page to help them find the assignment easily at home. 

If your child misses some homework, they will bring home a pink slip as a reminder to you and them to complete and return the homework the next day. Please sign the pink slip and make sure they return with their completed assignments the next school day. 


I completed the math screeners with each child this week. We are also done with the iReady reading assessment. I will be sharing results of both assessments during parent/teacher conferences in October.

ASSESSMENT DAY- Monday, September 19th
Third grade will be using the assessment day on September 19th to complete the beginning of the year writing assessment. Please be sure to have your child here the Friday before (Sept. 16) and that Monday for the assessment. This is critical time for us to be able to see your child's writing development so far and to plan instruction for the year. We will be offering two time periods for your child to come on September 19th. You will drop your child off and pick them up at the front of the school.  Please plan for them to be here for the full hour. Thank you!

Please choose one and let me know which session your child will attend. You can respond to me via email or a note.  Thank you!  

Session 1- 8:30-9:30
Session 2- 9:45-10:45

Have a fun and safe three day weekend. See you on Tuesday!

Mrs. Aisha Galt