Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 16, 2016

Dear Parents,

It's been a great week again in third grade!

We would like to thank JK Hill, our special guest author and father of Joel in Mr. Greenwald's room, for reading to us from his book, "Freddy's Firecracker Fiasco." The kids loved the book! If you are interested in ordering a copy for home, you can go to

This week during literacy we continued working on Personal Narratives. Most students have written a few small moment personal narratives.  Next week, students will revise, edit, and publish one of their narratives. Our next writing unit is Adapted Fairytales. In this unit, students will read and hear many fairy tales, both the classic and adapted versions. Then they will be writing their own adapted fairy tales. This is a fun unit and the kids get very creative with their writing. As a way to celebrate our writing, we will be going on a field trip to Boulder's Dinner Theater on October 14th  to see their version of "Cinderella." More information will come on this as we get closer.

This week we continued to work on multiplication and division. Your child has now been introduced to the multiplications/divisions for 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10. Please continue to encourage your child to spend 5 minutes a day practicing these facts. Our expectation is that our third graders will be fluent with all the facts through 10s by the end of this year. The more practice, the easier it gets.

Social Studies
We have been working on a unit about our community. This week we talked about who works in a community and the difference between public and private services. The kids even had a chance to think and write about what job they might be interested in when they grow up. Next week, we will be exploring who works at City Hall and talking a little about how the government works in a local setting.

Please be sure to check your child’s weekly homework each night. I have noticed that the Dictado sentences are not being carefully written with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. This shows in their Dictado quizzes on Friday’s. Please also remember to sign the reading log. Thank you for your help with this.
All of the 3rd-graders completed the pre-assessment work for the writing assessment, which will take place on Monday, September 19th. This is the assessment day that you all signed up for. Your child will need to come to school for that one hour (8:30-9:30 or 9:45-10:45) to complete the writing portion of the assessment.  Please drop off and pick up your child in front of the school. Thank you!

The assigned assessments times are below.
Session 1-8:30-9:30: Savannah, Zach, Caleb, Annie, Taylor H., Kaylar, Rileigh, Eric, Dorian, Carter, Lyzelle, Joaquin, Beth, Zac, Andres

Session 2-9:45-10:45:  Lizzie, Lily, Allen, Ceclia, Taylor D., Keira, Hailey, Elijah, Marcel, Miles, Jack, Kaylee

Important Dates:
Monday, September 19- Assessment Day
Monday, September 19- iPie day- Yum!!

Aisha Galt