Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday, January 8th

Friday, January 8th

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. Our first week back in the classroom together went well. I am always impressed by the academic, social, and emotional growth that takes place during the second half of our third grade year. Please continue to communicate with me about how I can best support your child.  

I wanted to inform you of some important upcoming dates.

Third graders will be taking the PARCC tests this year.  This is the state standardized test that is replacing the CSAP/TCAP from years past. The tests have been scheduled for the last week of March, right after spring break, and the first week of April. If you are planning a trip, please plan the trip outside of the PARCC testing dates. It would be so helpful to have all the students complete the tests during our scheduled testing weeks. Thank you!  If you have any questions or concerns about PARCC, please let me know.

We have scheduled our second field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for January 21st.  There is a permission slip in your child’s Friday folder.  I will definitely need parent volunteers, so please check your calendar and let me know if you can help out. You must have the background check clearance through the district for this school year to attend the trip. Please return the permission slip and fee as soon as possible. Thank you.

Other important dates and reminders:

Monday, January 18- No School MLK Jr. Day

Thursday, January 21- Field Trip to the Museum of Nature and Science. Please return permission slips and money as soon as possible.

Saturday, January 23- PTA Trivia Night. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this fun fundraiser. Adults only please. Check Friday folders, PTA Facebook page, or the school website for more information.

Tuesday, January 26-Spelling Bee. Zach and Graeme will be representing our class at 8:30 in the gym. Please wish them luck when you see them.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt