Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tues., October 15th

Tuesday, October 15th

Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.  I had a productive professional development day and am looking forward to meeting with all of you during parent-teacher conferences this week.  Your third grader is welcome to join us for the conference too.

I wanted to thank all of the parents who helped with our fall party.  It was a great success!   
Students will be coming home with a mystery state and a reading log for homework tonight. These assignments are due on Friday.  Students should also have their math homework workbooks.  Pages 42-66 contain Home Multiplication Strategy Cards.  Please help your child tear these pages from their workbook and cut the cards apart.  Students should use these cards throughout the year to practice their multiplication facts.  They can check their work by looking at the back of the card, which provides multiple models for how the problem can be solved.  Students will have additional math assignments on Wednesday and Thursday.

I am looking for parent volunteers to help me prepare some of the materials that came with our new math program.   This work can be done at home and entails punching out cards and organizing them for student use.  If you are able to help with this task, please let me know.  I can send the materials home with you after our parent-teacher conference this week.  Thank you!

Mrs. Aisha Galt