Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4th

Happy Friday!  Well the snow has melted, and the weather forecast looks good for next week.  As you know, Jog-a-Thon has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 9th from 9:45-10:30.  October 9th is also Walk to School Day!  Please remind your child to dress appropriately and bring a water bottle on Wednesday.  I passed out Jog-a-Thon bottles today. 

The online sign up for parent-teacher conferences is open. Thank you to the many parents who have already signed up. I am looking forward to sharing your child's progress and setting some goals for this year. If, for some reason the three dates do not work for your schedule, please let me know so we can arrange another time to meet. It is important that I see all my families during conference time. 

Your kids have been working hard and have earned their first compliment party!! (I have a jar of marbles, and they earn marbles for good group behavior.)  To celebrate our success we will have a pajama day and read-in this Tuesday, October 8h Kids may come to school in appropriate PJs and may also bring a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal.  I encourage students to bring additional reading material from home.  If your child would like to bring an electronic reading device this it is fine as long as it is okay with you too. 

Please support your child with regular math fact practice. The following websites are great resources for fact practice.

The following free iPad Applications are also great for math practice:
Flash To Pass, Counting Money, Rocket Math, My Math Flash Cards.

Lastly, if you have not had a chance to pay the $8.00 fee for project supplies and supplemental reading materials please do so.  Thank you!

I hope you have a great weekend.