Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday, February 28th

Next week, we have PE on Tuesday and Friday. 

March 3rd and 5th-Parent Teacher Conferences 

Dear Parents,

Our parent teacher conferences are next week.  I look forward to meeting with you during our scheduled time on March 3rd or 5th. 

As most of you know, third graders will be taking the CMAS tests this year.  This is a state standardized test. The tests have been scheduled for third grade on April 7th, 8th, 9th.  Students will complete the math CMAS test in the morning on those days. On April 14th, 15th, and 16th students will complete the language arts CMAS test in the afternoon. If you are planning appointments or a trip, please plan outside of the CMAS testing dates if possible. It would be so helpful to have all the students complete the tests during our scheduled testing weeks. Thank you!

We are reviewing opinion, informational, and narrative writing styles.  Last week, we read a text called Prairie Dogs. Students used information from this text to write an opinion piece about whether they would want to live near a prairie dog town if they were a farmer. This week students wrote an informative piece about how prairie dogs are similar and different from the kind of dog people keep as pets. Lastly, students will write a narrative about a day in the life of a prairie dog. 

Students have also been working on a health research project with Mrs. Sbrocca.  Please ask your child about this project. They made some great videos to share their learning!

We are well into our Geometry unit.  This week we spent time reviewing attributes of quadrilaterals and finding the perimeter and area of geometric shapes.  

Students are learning many new geometry vocabulary terms. Please review them with your child: angle, decagon, hexagon, octagon, polygon, pentagon, right angle, parallel, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, perimeter and area. This will be a huge help for this unit. Please don't forget to keep up with their multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction tables! We are using all four operations in this unit.

Our unit assessment will be next Wednesday. 

Social Studies:
This week we continued our unit on Regions of the United States by learning about how to find places on a map using latitude and longitude. We also worked on building vocabulary to support our learning during this unit. 

Mrs. Galt