Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday, October 18th

Next week we have PE on Tuesday and Friday.

Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 24th-Denver Zoo Field Trip

Dear Parents,

We had a fantastic Jog-a-Thon!  The positive, excited energy was high!  Thank you for supporting your child with collecting pledges for this important school fundraiser.   Any size donation is appreciated and counts toward our 90% participation goal. Please have your child return their donations by Wednesday, October 23rd.

Please sign up for a Parent Teacher Conference! Thank you to those of you who have already done so.  I look forward to meeting with you next week.
If you have not had a chance to sign-up yet or need to check your conference time, please do so using the following link:

Thank you for signing the permission slip and paying the fee for our upcoming field trip to the Denver Zoo on Thursday, October 24th.  
Please use the following link to sign the permission slip, express interest in chaperoning, and pay the field trip fee:

Students will need a sack lunch, proper clothing for the weather and a drink with a lid. 

We are working on our plant and animal life cycles unit.  Through the generous support of our PTA, we will be able to supplement this unit with the in-school Thorne Nature and Science program.  They will be working with our students on the next three Tuesdays.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Aisha Galt