Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday, August 23rd

Next week we have PE on Wednesday.  Please make sure your child has gym shoes on these days.  Thank you!

Dear Parents,

Thank you for joining us on Tuesday night for our Back to School night presentation. It was great to meet so many of you. If you were not able to attend, your child has our back to school letter and survey in their Friday folder today.  Please look it over and let me know if you have any questions. Return the blue student information sheet as soon as possible. Also, please pay your school supply fee if you have not had a chance to do this yet. Thank you!

Volunteers: Thank you to those of you who were able to sign up to 
volunteer for our classroom.
Room Parents: Nancy Hedberg, Regan Kalish, Andrea Minnich, and Cortney Kraham
Friday Folders: Kim Dahl

Reading in the classroom- M-Th from 12:30-1:00.
(Start the week of September 9th if you have completed your background check)

          Monday: Kim Dahl and Andrea Minnich
          Tuesday: Deyanna Lambert
          Wednesday: Cortney Kraham
          Thursday: Open

Clerical help: Deyanna Lambert (Tuesdays)

Homework: We will begin sending homework home next week.  Students will get a mystery state on Monday, which is due on Friday.  They will also get short math assignments Monday through Thursday. These assignments are due the next day.

Math: This week we were able to get all the math screeners completed. 
This information gives me a snapshot of where your child is in math.  We also started our first math unit, Multiplication and Division 0-5, 9 and 10.

Literacy: This week we worked on writing “seeds/small moment ideas” for personal 
narratives. We are getting those writing muscles warmed up and in shape for a lot of
writing this year! We also started reading some books that help students investigate the importance of kindness. Next week, students will complete a reading assessment 
using i-Ready. We started using this reading assessment a few years ago Kohl, so 
your child should be familiar with the format. After the testing is complete I will have an
 assessment report, which shows me how your child is reading, their strengths, and areas to work on. I will share this information with you at Parent Teacher Conferences in October.

Social Studies: As we get ready to begin our first unit on Communities, we have been
working to build our classroom community. This week we continued to get to know each
other better and to understand the expectations in third grade. 
We are also working on building our stamina for third grade and beyond by talking about Growth Mindset. This is the idea that anyone can learn anything with the right frame of mind. We have talked this week about thinking positively and about what to do when we get frustrated when something is hard. Ask your child how they think having a growth mindset can help them in school and in daily life. 

Students can have snack each day in the morning, and they can have another snack in the afternoon if they would like. I do not provide snack so please be sure to send a healthy snack with your child. Water bottles are encouraged.  Please label bottles with your child’s name. Thank you!

Birthday Treats:
Your child is welcome to bring birthday treats to share with classmates if they would like.  It is helpful to know when they are bringing treats, so please email me with a date if possible.  We have 26 kids in our class. Please keep the following allergies in mind when you are selecting a treat: nuts, dairy, and eggs.  

Important Dates for Your Calendar:
Monday, September 2nd - NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
Friday, September 6th - Picture Day
Friday, September 13th- Assessment Day- details to follow later 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You can contact me by email or by phone 720-561-8616.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt