Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday, November 9th

Next week we have PE on Tuesday.
Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who has returned the permission slip for our field trip to see Annie at the Broomfield library auditorium on Friday, November 16th.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered to chaperone for this trip. Amber Gray, Laura Meushaw, Sarah Schilling, Mary Ann Lawler, Lisa Fairlee, and Heidi Siguaw please come to the classroom at 8:10 to begin walking to the auditorium.   We will begin walking to the auditorium at 8:15 and will return to school by 1:30 for our fall party!  Students and chaperones will need a sack lunch for this trip. Thank you!

Thank you our room parents for planning our fall party and to everyone who is able to contribute.  Please take a moment to sign up to bring something for our fall party using the following link:

Report cards for first trimester will be available through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal on Wednesday, November 14th. There is a letter in your child’s Friday folder about how to access their report card.

Your child has a copy of Spelling Bee study words in their Friday folder.  The Kohl Spelling Bee is scheduled Thursday, December 20th from 9:30 to 11:00 in the gym.  If your child is interested in participating in the Kohl Spelling Bee, they may want to study these words over the next few weeks.  We will be giving all third graders a spelling bee screening test the on Tuesday, November 27th after Thanksgiving break to determine our three classroom spelling bee participants.  These tests will not be graded for a classroom grade. They are just a screener for us to qualify students for the spelling bee.

Homework for next week: We will not be assigning a Dictado sentence or mystery state because it is a short week, and we have a field trip and party planned for Friday.  
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons at least once per week.
  • Read at least 20 min nightly.
  • Practice math X and / facts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 10 minutes daily
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, November 12- NO SCHOOL VETERANS DAY
Tuesday, November 13 Coffee at Kohl 8:30-9:30 (Heather Hansen from the district will be talking about Literacy)
Friday, November 16th-Field Trip to see Annie the play
Friday, November 16th-Fall Party 1:30-2:30

Have a wonderful long weekend.  

Mrs. Aisha Galt