Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday, May 16th

Next week we have PE on Monday.

Dear Parents,
We are in the final countdown-4 days before summer break!
We had a fun filled week! We enjoyed our walking field trip to meet our 7th grade buddies on Wednesday.  Students love their books and seemed to really enjoy the writing project. Students wrote thank you notes and made bookmarks for their partners.   They will be bringing their books home this week. On Thursday, we watched the Kohl theater club’s Alice and Wonderland! It was a wonderful production. On Friday, students participated in the Kohl Garden Day. 

We did our first round of desk cleaning today.  I did my best to encourage students to recycle old papers etc.  I apologize if your child brings home a mess of random goodies, but some of their desks were pretty full.  We will complete our final desk cleaning on Wednesday of next week.

Homework Ideas for Next Week
  • Practice all X and /, + and - , 5-10 minutes daily
Important Dates to Remember
Thursday, May 24- Last day of 3rd grade! Report cards can be viewed on Infinite Campus on Tuesday, May 29th.

Thank you for your continued support! I hope you have great weekend. 

Mrs. Aisha Galt