Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday, May 16th

Next week we have PE on Monday.

Dear Parents,
We are in the final countdown-4 days before summer break!
We had a fun filled week! We enjoyed our walking field trip to meet our 7th grade buddies on Wednesday.  Students love their books and seemed to really enjoy the writing project. Students wrote thank you notes and made bookmarks for their partners.   They will be bringing their books home this week. On Thursday, we watched the Kohl theater club’s Alice and Wonderland! It was a wonderful production. On Friday, students participated in the Kohl Garden Day. 

We did our first round of desk cleaning today.  I did my best to encourage students to recycle old papers etc.  I apologize if your child brings home a mess of random goodies, but some of their desks were pretty full.  We will complete our final desk cleaning on Wednesday of next week.

Homework Ideas for Next Week
  • Practice all X and /, + and - , 5-10 minutes daily
Important Dates to Remember
Thursday, May 24- Last day of 3rd grade! Report cards can be viewed on Infinite Campus on Tuesday, May 29th.

Thank you for your continued support! I hope you have great weekend. 

Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday, May 4th

Next week we have PE on Friday.

Dear Parents,

This week was a fun and busy one! On Monday we met a local a author/illustrator. Our students loved the drawing workshop that she taught. Summer break is a great time for students to write their own original stories with illustrations! On Wednesday, we enjoyed the talent show. It is always exciting to see our Kohl students share different strengths. Our trip to the Morrison Natural History Museum was a success, despite the rainy weather. Thank you to all of our chaperones!

We still have a bit of End of Year testing to complete for the district. This week we completed the writing assessment, next week we will complete the final iReady reading assessment.

Next Tuesday, we have a guest speaker coming from the fire department to talk to us about bike safety in the morning and Field Daze in the afternoon.  Please remind your child to dress comfortably for Field Daze and to bring a water bottle. Field Daze begins at 12:15 and parents are welcome to come watch and cheer kids on.

We are beginning a short poetry writing unit next week.  Students will also be learning some cursive during our last weeks of school.

We completed our last official math unit this week and will spend the rest of the year reviewing and extending concepts that we have studied throughout the year.  Math facts continue to be a essential skill! We will have many math fact quizzes over the next few weeks.

Science/Social Studies:
We will finish our Earth Materials unit early next week.  We are learning about the characteristics of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks and the rock cycle. Our last social studies unit will focus on exploring the differences between primary and secondary sources covering a historical event and how we must fact check using multiple resources.  

Homework Ideas for Next Week
  • Math packets are due May 8th.
  • Complete the weekly mystery state and Dictado assignment.
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons at least once per week.
  • Practice all X and /, + and - , 5-10 minutes daily
  • Have your child use MobyMax to practice math, reading, writing, social studies, science and more!
Important Dates to Remember
Tuesday, May 8- Field Daze 12:15-2:00
Wednesday, May 16th- 7th grade buddies in the park
Thursday, May 24- Last day of 3rd grade!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Aisha Galt