Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12th

Next week we have PE on Tuesday and Friday.

Dear Parents,

Our first week of CMAS/PARCC testing is complete. I am proud of the hard work your children have put into these tests. Please continue to encourage your child to do their best!

This week we completed the ELA (English/Language Arts) sections. Next week we will complete the Math! We are testing on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week. There is no school on Monday. During the testing weeks we will have specials from 12:20-1:05. Due to the testing, we will not be sending home a Mystery State or Dictado again next week. Students should be working on completing their current math homework packet.  It is due on Tuesday, April 17th.

April 16
No School
April 17
No Testing
April 18
3rd Math 1
April 19
3rd Math 2
April 20
3rd Math 3

We are planning our last field trip on Thursday, May 3rd to the Morrison Natural History Museum as a culminating activity for our current science unit. Thank you to those of you who have returned the permission slip and money!

We are excited to begin a collaborative writing project with BHMS seventh graders in Mrs. Eaman’s classes.  Each third grader will be partnered with a seventh grader who will write, illustrate, and publish a book especially for their third grade partner. This is an exciting and rewarding creative writing project.  We have participated in this project for many years now, and our third graders have loved the process.This project will begin on Tuesday, April 17th and conclude on Wednesday, May 16. Please make a note of the dates below and add them to your calendar. It is important that our third graders are here on these dates to work with their seventh grade buddy. Seventh graders will be coming to Kohl for the first two visits and then we will meet them at Miramonte park on the third visit for our celebration.

Central to the project is the importance of the writing process:  prewriting, writing, revising, editing, publishing and celebrating.  Some of the specific skills and focus areas will be interviewing, brainstorming for ideas, story writing for a particular audience, vocabulary, plot development, characterization, dialogue, and punctuation.

The purpose of the initial trip (Tuesday, April 17th) will be to get to know one another via an interview as well as brainstorming story ideas.  Third graders will be actively involved by sharing their interests, writing, and favorite books.  The second trip (Friday, April 27th) will allow both parties to share writing: seventh graders the progress draft of the book and third graders will share drafts of their story writing.

The final trip (Wednesday,  May 16th ) will be focused on celebrating the completion/publication of the book.  Each seventh grader will share their book and then give it as a gift to his partner.  This date will be a walking field trip to Miramonte Park. We will send permission slips home with students at the beginning of May.  We will not need chaperones for this trip.

Students are busy working on their informational Google slide shows to teach others about the state they have been researching. We look forward to sharing these projects at our Kohl Inspiration Exhibition on April 19th.
In math we started Unit 5: Write Equations to Solve Word Problems.  Please remind your child to continue studying their basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. All of these operations will be used in this unit.

Science/Social Studies:
Our current science unit is about Earth Materials. So far, your children have explored the difference between rocks and minerals.

Important Dates to Remember
April 13th and 16th- No School
April 18th Class Pictures
April 18th, 19th, and 20th-Math CMAS/PARCC testing
April 19th-Inspiration Exhibition 4:00-6:00
I hope you enjoy the long weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt