Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday, February 23rd, 2018

Next week we have PE on Wednesday.
Please remind your child to bring their recorder for music. Next week, we have music on Tuesday and Friday.

Dear Parents,

We had quite a week of winter weather! It looks like it is going to warm up next week, but please remind your child to dress for the weather.

Report cards are now available through Infinite Campus.

We are returning to the genre of informational writing.  Students will be reading informational texts and writing about topics that require them to use evidence from the text to support their thinking.  During this unit students will also be completing a state research project.  Each child will research a state and create an informational writing to teach about the state.

We are well into our Geometry unit.  This week we spent time reviewing attributes of quadrilaterals and finding the perimeter and area of geometric shapes.  

Students are learning many new geometry vocabulary terms. Please review them with your child: angle, decagon, hexagon, octagon, polygon, pentagon, right angle, parallel, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, perimeter and area. This will be a huge help for this unit. Please don't forget to keep up with their multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction tables! We are using all 4 operations in this unit.

Our unit assessment will be next Thursday.

Remind your child to work on their math homework packet.  It is due on Monday, March 12th.

Science/Social Studies:
Students completed their Matter and Measurement test this week, and we will begin our next Social Studies unit, Economics, next week. Our Economics unit will focus on understanding the differences between producer and consumers, different ways to earn money and how to make long and short-term financial goals.

Homework Ideas for Next Week
  • Complete the mystery state assignment.
  • Write the weekly Dictado sentence each night in the Mystery State notebook.
  • ReadingPlus or iReady lessons at least once per week.
  • Practice all X and / (0-10) 5-10 minutes daily
  • Practice addition and subtraction facts; sums through 20
  • Complete problems in the assigned Math Homework Practice Packet
  • Have your child use MobyMax to practice math, reading, writing, social studies, science and more!
Important Dates to Remember
Tuesday, March 20th- Third Grade Music Program 6pm

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Aisha Galt