Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, September 8th           

Dear Parents,

We had a great week in third grade.  We are excited to share that Kohl has a school counselor this year.  Her name is Tiffany Kerr, and she will be meeting with the entire third grade once a week on Tuesdays.  She will work with our students to provide education, prevention, and intervention in academics, career, and personal/social development.  Please visit her website if you are interested in knowing more about the work she will do at Kohl.

Please be sure to check your child’s Friday folder. Each child is bringing home a coupon book to sell. You are not required to do this fundraiser. If you choose to keep the book please send in the money for it. If you would like to sell some books to friends and family, take orders on the envelope, collect the money and return it to the school for the books. This is a fun and easy way for Kohl PTA to make money to support our school. Thanks for your help.

This week students continued to build understanding about complete sentences, fragments, and run-ons. We will use this knowledge to start writing small moment paragraphs and practice editing for complete sentences.

We started Dictado this week. This is one method we use to teach students about spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, and writing complete sentences. Each week your child will be given a sentence that they will work on in class and at home. At the end of the week we will have a quiz to see if students have learned the sentence. Your child’s grade will reflect the percent of the sentence correct, including all spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

This week we continued working with multiplication and division of 5s and started 2s and 10s. Your child should have come home with a study sheet to help them practice. Starting around the beginning of October we will begin doing timed tests on each of the facts that we have learned. Next week we will be learning facts for 9s, 3s and 4s.

Social Studies:
We spent time investigating what makes our community diverse. In small groups and as a class we explored how different cultures contribute to our cultural diversity through food, languages, holidays, types of shelter, clothing, and traditions.

Homework Ideas for next week:
  • Practice x and / facts for 5, 2, 10
  • Keep reading 20 minutes or more per day
  • Next week a homework book/folder will be coming home with a Mystery State and the Dictado sentence to work on. This will be in your child’s backpack each Monday. We will go over Mystery States in class on Friday.
Mark Your Calendar:
Next week we have PE on Tuesday and Friday
Monday, September 18th: Teacher Professional Development/ No School for Students

Have a wonderful weekend.
Aisha Galt