Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday, February 9th

Dear Parents,

Our Valentine’s Day party is on Tuesday, February 14th from 1:30-2:30. As always, parents are invited to attend the party. Please take a moment to sign-up to donate something for our party, using the link from our room mother.  Thank you!

If your child chooses to bring Valentine cards to school, they need to have one for each child in our class.  Valentines should be brought to school on February 14th.  Students will also need a container to collect their Valentines during our party.  They can make something or just bring a bag. Handmade cards are encouraged.  Here is a list of student names to help with this task.  

Lizzie, Lily, Allen, Savannah, Cecilia, Taylor D., Keira, Zach D., Caleb, Annie, Taylor H., Hailey, Kylar, Elijah, Rileigh, Marcel, Eric, Dorian, Miles, Carter, Echo, Lyzelle, Joaquin, Beth, Jack, Zac T., Andres, Kaylee

Our parent/ teacher conferences are February 21st and 23rd. An email about signing up was sent out by the office last week.  Thank you to those of you who have signed up.  If you have not had a chance to sign up yet, please do so.  I look forward to meeting with each of you.

I also want to remind everyone about our regular homework routine.  Some students seem to be having trouble completing and remembering their assignments.  Students receive a reading log and a mystery state on Monday, and they are due on Friday.  Please take a moment to look over and sign your child’s weekly reading log.  Students should be using their assigned reading program, Reading Plus or iReady, at least once a week at home. I assign math homework on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays.  These assignments are due the next day.  In addition, students should be studying addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts on a regular basis.  Thank you for supporting your child!

There is no school for students tomorrowFriday, February 10th. Enjoy the long weekend.


Aisha Galt