Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday, May 20th

Dear Parents,

We had a fun filled day yesterday.  We enjoyed our walking field trip to meet our 7th grade buddies.  Students love their books and seemed to really enjoy the writing project. Today, students wrote thank you notes for their partners.   They will be bringing their books home today.  It is fun to think about the day these guys are 7th graders, and they get to come back to work with my new set of 3rd graders. We also enjoyed the talent show yesterday.  It is always exciting to see our Kohl students share different strengths.

Important Dates to Remember:
Monday, May 23rd- 3rd Grade Field Daze 12:30-2:15
  • Please have your child remember sunscreen, a water bottle, athletic shoes, and proper clothing for the weather.
Tuesday, May 24th-Poetry Reading -9:00
  • Please feel free to join us in our classroom for this event.  Each student will be sharing two of their poems.
Thursday, May 26th Last Day of School
  • Report cards come home.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  As always, thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Aisha Galt