Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, September 4th

Dear Parents,

Important Calendar Dates:
Monday, September 7- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
Monday, September 21- Assessment Day- Please see details below

This week we worked on identifying and writing complete sentences. We also started working on the Third Grade Must Write spelling word list. We have practiced about half the list and will finish next week. These are words that all third graders must be able to spell correctly consistently by the end of third grade. I will give students a copy of this list for their homework folder next week. 
All students were tested on iReady reading this week. This assessment will help me plan for your child's reading instruction for the year. It is a snapshot of how they are reading right now and does not take the place of actual instruction in the classroom.

Our unit on Multiplication and Division has begun! I am sure you have seen homework come home to practice what we are learning. The kids have been great about getting homework back on time, and I am already seeing the results of that in how comfortable they are with this new material. I have heard many students say, "Multiplication isn't so hard!" and "This is easy and fun!" I love that they are excited about learning math. Please keep working with them on their facts and skip counting. A few minutes a day makes a world of difference in their skills.

Social Studies:
We started our first Social Studies unit on Diverse Communities this week. It was fun to think about our own families and the cultures we come from and then see how our classroom culture and community is created. Our unit will continue with learning about public services in the community and how local government works. We will finish the unit by building an understanding of how we can make improvements in our communities. 

Third grade will be using the assessment day on September 21st to complete the beginning of the year writing assessment. Please be sure to have your child here the Friday before (Sept. 18) and that Monday for the assessment. This is critical time for us to be able to see your child's writing development so far and to plan instruction for the year. We will be offering two time periods for your child to come on September 21st. You will drop your child off and pick them up at the front of the school.  Please plan for them to be here for the full hour. Thank you!

Please choose one and let me know which session your child will attend. 
Session 1- 8:30-9:30
Session 2- 9:45-10:45

I hope you all have a great three day weekend. See you on Tuesday.


Mrs. Aisha Galt