Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, September 25th

Dear Parents,

Thank you for sending your kids to assessment day on Monday. We were able to complete and score all of the writing assessments. We will be sharing that information with you at fall conferences. 

Please look for two important things in your Friday folder today: 
First, there is a permission slip for our first field trip. Please return that as soon as possible with the $5 fee. If you are interested in being a chaperone, please indicate so at the bottom of the form and be sure to have your background check completed. 

Second, your child is bringing home a coupon book designed to help raise money for our school. If you want to keep the book, return $20 to me. If you don't want it, please send the book back. You may also sell them to family or friends (no door to door, please). All information is in the envelope with the book. 

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18th

Dear Parents,

We have had a productive week. Here are a few highlights of our week and reminders of things to come.

I am looking forward to seeing students during their assessment time on Monday, September 21st.  You will drop your child off and pick them up at the front of the school.  They will complete the assessment in our classroom. Please plan for them to be here for the full hour. The assigned assessments times are below.

Session 1-8:30-9:30: Brooklin, Calvin, Zoe, Aidan, Blaes, Corwyn, Maya, Madison, Mollie, Sofia, Nathan

Session 2-9:45-10:45: Katie, Shane, Graeme, Julia, Drew, Tyler, Isaiah, Ayden, Kaleb, Zach, Olivia, Logan, Atreyu, Maggie

I am impressed with how well the students are doing with their home.  Most of them are completing their work and returning it on time. We discussed as a class how important it is to learn the responsibility of homework, both doing and returning it. Please be sure to sign your child’s reading log each week and read over it with your child, keeping the Writer’s Checklist at the top of the page in mind. Your child should be writing 2-3 well written sentences using correct capitalization, punctuation, and appropriate spelling on this assignment each night.   Remind them to circle words that they think are misspelled.  They should have a copy of the BVSD Third Grade Must Write Words in their homework folders. 

We continued working on Personal Narratives. Most students have written a few small moment personal narratives.  Next week, students will revise, edit, and publish one of their narratives.

Spelling- We reviewed short and long vowel rules. We will continue to work on the Must Write words for 3rd graders. Students are responsible for spelling these words correctly in their everyday writing.

Reading- All students have taken the Diagnostic test on the computer. I have also had a chance to read with several students for some additional information for me as I put students into reading groups.

We continue to learn our multiplication and division facts in math. We have now completed 2s, 5s, and 10s. You can help your child by quizzing them daily on those facts. We will also be doing weekly math dashes to help them check their own progress towards learning their facts. All third graders are expected to know all multiplications and divisions through 10s by the end of third grade.

Social Studies:
We learned about public and private services and how taxes help to pay for public services in our communities. We are talking about local government and the different roles people play in that area of the community.

Tomorrow is Broomfield Days and the parade. The class with the highest attendance wins a prize!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, September 4th

Dear Parents,

Important Calendar Dates:
Monday, September 7- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
Monday, September 21- Assessment Day- Please see details below

This week we worked on identifying and writing complete sentences. We also started working on the Third Grade Must Write spelling word list. We have practiced about half the list and will finish next week. These are words that all third graders must be able to spell correctly consistently by the end of third grade. I will give students a copy of this list for their homework folder next week. 
All students were tested on iReady reading this week. This assessment will help me plan for your child's reading instruction for the year. It is a snapshot of how they are reading right now and does not take the place of actual instruction in the classroom.

Our unit on Multiplication and Division has begun! I am sure you have seen homework come home to practice what we are learning. The kids have been great about getting homework back on time, and I am already seeing the results of that in how comfortable they are with this new material. I have heard many students say, "Multiplication isn't so hard!" and "This is easy and fun!" I love that they are excited about learning math. Please keep working with them on their facts and skip counting. A few minutes a day makes a world of difference in their skills.

Social Studies:
We started our first Social Studies unit on Diverse Communities this week. It was fun to think about our own families and the cultures we come from and then see how our classroom culture and community is created. Our unit will continue with learning about public services in the community and how local government works. We will finish the unit by building an understanding of how we can make improvements in our communities. 

Third grade will be using the assessment day on September 21st to complete the beginning of the year writing assessment. Please be sure to have your child here the Friday before (Sept. 18) and that Monday for the assessment. This is critical time for us to be able to see your child's writing development so far and to plan instruction for the year. We will be offering two time periods for your child to come on September 21st. You will drop your child off and pick them up at the front of the school.  Please plan for them to be here for the full hour. Thank you!

Please choose one and let me know which session your child will attend. 
Session 1- 8:30-9:30
Session 2- 9:45-10:45

I hope you all have a great three day weekend. See you on Tuesday.


Mrs. Aisha Galt

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Picture Day

Wednesday, September 2nd

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is Individual Picture Day at Kohl.  Please send your order form in with your child, if you would like to order pictures.  

Also, just as a reminder, students have mystery state, reading log, and math homework this week.  Please be sure to check in with them about their work.  You will need to sign their reading log before they turn it in on Friday.  Take the time to read over it with them and encourage them to use the Writer's Checklist, which is on the reading log, to ensure it is their best third grade work.

Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Aisha Galt