Friday, August 21, 2015

Welcome Update

August 21, 2015
Dear Parents,

We had a great first two days together in third grade!! This is a wonderful group of kids who seem ready and eager to learn.  It was fun to learn about each other through the sharing of the All About Me bags.  Building community is an important part of these first few weeks of school.  This sharing assignment allows us to realize some of our similarities and differences. 

I will be writing newsletters to update you on what’s happening in our classroom, give reminders about upcoming events, and to share any news we might have.  I plan to email the newsletters as well as post them on my website so you will be able to access them at any time during the year if needed.

Students will have snack each day in the morning. I do not provide snack so please be sure to send a healthy snack with your child.
Thank you to the volunteers who signed up at Open House. Your help is greatly appreciated.  Please make sure you have been cleared by BVSD to volunteer before joining us in the classroom.   If you signed up for Book Box reading time, you can start coming the week of August 31st.   Book box time runs from 12:00-12:30.  We still need a room parent.  This job can be shared!  Please email me if you are willing to take this job.  Thank you!
Next week, students will be responsible for completing a mystery state assignment for homework.  This assignment will be given on Monday and is due on Friday.  We will complete a weekly reading log in class next week, so that students have a good model for what is expected on the reading log.  During the week of  August 31st, students will be assigned a reading log, mystery state, and math for homework.  Short math assignments are given on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and are due the next day. 

Important Dates for Your Calendar:
Thursday, September 3- Picture Day
Monday, September 7- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. The best way to contact me is by email (

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt