Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23rd

Friday, January 23rd

Dear Parents,

Another week has flown by!

Thank you for returning the field trip permission slips and money.  We will be going to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Friday, January 30th. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to chaperone. There are nine of you, and you are all welcome to join us! Delois Meyer, Emily Unkefer, Carrie Pepperdine, Evelyn Plata, Kristin Angelopulos, William Percy, Roger Sealy, Sarah Osborne, and Siva Spitler please plan to meet us in our classroom on the morning of the field trip at 8:45.  We will leave at 9:00 and will return to Kohl by 2:00.  You will need to bring $5 for the IMAX movie and a sack lunch.  Thank you!

Your child is coming home with their Life Cycles and Wetlands book from our classes with the Thorne Nature and Science program.  Please look over it with your child.  I would like to thank our generous PTA and Student Council for supporting this program at Kohl.  It is a great experience for all of our students.

Our Valentine’s Day party is right around the corner. Our class party will be on Thursday, February 12th from 1:30-2:30. As always, parents are invited to attend the party.

If your child chooses to bring Valentine cards to school, they need to have one for each child in our class.  Valentines should be brought to school on February 12th.  Students should also bring a container to hold their Valentines.  Handmade cards are encouraged.  Here is a list of student names to help with this task.  Thank you for your continued support.

Hannah, Sebastian, Kai, Tanith, Jake, Destiny, Kenna, Thomas, Julia H., Megan, Ben, Riannon, Connor, Julia M., Eric, Olivia, Leah, Justin, Samantha, Amrita, Brooke, Deegan, Gwen, Noah, Jacob, and Daelan

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs. Aisha Galt