Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29th

Thursday, January 29th

Dear Parents,

This has been a fast and very busy week. Here is a recap of our classroom activities and some important reminders.

Field trip tomorrow: Please remember to send a sack lunch and drink to school with your child tomorrow for the trip. Students should be sure to wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in all day. We will be in the museum and walking a lot! 
Chaperones, please be here by 8:45 with your lunch, drink, and $5 for IMAX.

It looks like we will be ready for our Unit 4 test at the end of next week. The test will cover addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers and a little bit of rounding. 

We have been working on writing opinion and persuasive pieces for the past couple of weeks. This will continue with the addition of students reading to find more information to support their opinions and learning to cite their support. This is a big concept for kids to learn with the Common Core Standards. 
We have also been working on reading complex text closely. You will start seeing articles coming home that have been "marked up". Your child is learning to find important concepts in print, recognize when words or phrases might not make sense right away and how to use context clues to make meaning. In doing this, they are also rereading pieces several times, which is supporting building fluency in reading. 

Our current science unit is on Measuring with Metric System and Matter. This week we had a lot of fun discovering standard metric measurements for length, volume and mass. Next week we will start learning about Matter and its forms. 

Thank you for your support!!


Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23rd

Friday, January 23rd

Dear Parents,

Another week has flown by!

Thank you for returning the field trip permission slips and money.  We will be going to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Friday, January 30th. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to chaperone. There are nine of you, and you are all welcome to join us! Delois Meyer, Emily Unkefer, Carrie Pepperdine, Evelyn Plata, Kristin Angelopulos, William Percy, Roger Sealy, Sarah Osborne, and Siva Spitler please plan to meet us in our classroom on the morning of the field trip at 8:45.  We will leave at 9:00 and will return to Kohl by 2:00.  You will need to bring $5 for the IMAX movie and a sack lunch.  Thank you!

Your child is coming home with their Life Cycles and Wetlands book from our classes with the Thorne Nature and Science program.  Please look over it with your child.  I would like to thank our generous PTA and Student Council for supporting this program at Kohl.  It is a great experience for all of our students.

Our Valentine’s Day party is right around the corner. Our class party will be on Thursday, February 12th from 1:30-2:30. As always, parents are invited to attend the party.

If your child chooses to bring Valentine cards to school, they need to have one for each child in our class.  Valentines should be brought to school on February 12th.  Students should also bring a container to hold their Valentines.  Handmade cards are encouraged.  Here is a list of student names to help with this task.  Thank you for your continued support.

Hannah, Sebastian, Kai, Tanith, Jake, Destiny, Kenna, Thomas, Julia H., Megan, Ben, Riannon, Connor, Julia M., Eric, Olivia, Leah, Justin, Samantha, Amrita, Brooke, Deegan, Gwen, Noah, Jacob, and Daelan

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs. Aisha Galt

Saturday, January 10, 2015

January 10th, 2015

Saturday, January 10th

Dear Parents,

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  Our first week back in the classroom together went well. We spent time reviewing classroom expectations and procedures and getting to know each other again.  I hope your children are feeling good about the transition.  They are amazing, and I am looking forward to the coming months together. 

I wanted to inform you of some important upcoming dates.

Third graders will be taking the PARCC tests this year.  This is the state standardized test that is replacing the CSAP/TCAP from years past. The tests have been scheduled for the last week of March, right before Spring Break. If you are planning a trip, please plan the trip after the PARCC  testing dates. It would be so helpful to have all the students complete the tests during our scheduled testing week. Thank you!  If you have any questions or concerns about PARCC, please let me know. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We have scheduled our second field trip for January 30th.  I will definitely need parent volunteers, so please check your calendar and let me know if you can help out. You must have the background check clearance through the district for this school year to attend the trip. We will be going to the Museum of Nature and Science to see the IMAX movie "Tiny Giants" and the special exhibit "Whales, Giants of the Deep". The kids will be comparing and contrasting these creatures and I will need parent volunteers to help out with small group work while we are there. This trip will be $9 ($5 for the IMAX and $4 for the bus). If you have any concerns about the cost, please contact me immediately. Thank you.

Other important dates and reminders:

Thursday, January 15-Spelling Bee. Noah and Megan will be representing our class at 8:30 in the gym. Please wish them luck when you see them.

Monday, January 19- No School MLK Jr. Day

Friday, January 30- Field Trip to the Museum of Nature and Science. Please return permission slips and money as soon as possible.

Saturday, January 31- PTA Trivia Night. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this fun fundraiser. Adults only please. Check the PTA Facebook page or the school website for more information.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt