Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21st

Friday, February 21st

Dear Parents,

Report cards went home today in Friday Folders. Please send the signed envelope back on Monday.  Thank you! 

Our field trip to Celestial Seasonings/Leaning Tree Museum is next Thursday. I have permission slips from everyone!  If you are not sure if you sent the $5 donation in, send me an email and I can let you know for sure. I have several parents who indicated they wanted to go. (Julie O'Malley, Leila Hayes, Kimiko Egy, Alisha Blackburn, Heather Fite, Jen Kaiser, Elizabeth Butler, Debra Kirk, and Heidi Siguaw) I am excited to have you join us. Please be here on Thursday morning by 8:50.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs. Aisha Galt