Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21st

Friday, February 21st

Dear Parents,

Report cards went home today in Friday Folders. Please send the signed envelope back on Monday.  Thank you! 

Our field trip to Celestial Seasonings/Leaning Tree Museum is next Thursday. I have permission slips from everyone!  If you are not sure if you sent the $5 donation in, send me an email and I can let you know for sure. I have several parents who indicated they wanted to go. (Julie O'Malley, Leila Hayes, Kimiko Egy, Alisha Blackburn, Heather Fite, Jen Kaiser, Elizabeth Butler, Debra Kirk, and Heidi Siguaw) I am excited to have you join us. Please be here on Thursday morning by 8:50.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs. Aisha Galt

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3rd

Monday, February 3rd

Dear Parents,

Our class has earned another compliment celebration!  They voted to have another game hour, which will be on Wednesday, February 5th.  I was pleasantly surprised by how well our electronic game time went last time.  Everyone was very kind and interactive.  Students are allowed to bring games from home that they would like to play together. They can bring electronics.  These games will stay in students' backpacks at all times outside of our game hour.

Our Valentine party is this Friday, February 7th from 1:30 to 2:30.  If your child chooses to bring Valentine cards to school, they need to have one for each child in our class.  Valentines should be brought to school on February 7h.  Students will be making a container to hold their Valentines during our class party.  Handmade cards are encouraged.  Here is a list of student names to help with this task.  Thank you for your continued support.

Johnnie, Tara, Bailee, Jack, Isaiah, Kamryn, Ryan, Emily, Braeden, Autumn, Brooke, Keira, Anthony, Riley, Isabella, Serena, Caleb, Spencer, Marcus, Madison, Nik, Adilyn, Olivia, and Kalena

Students will be completing the reading TCAP on Monday, February 10th and Tuesday, February 11th.   It is very important that your child be on time for school on these days.  Our testing session runs from 8:15 to 9:50.  This includes time for test preparation; students take the assessment from 8:30 to 9:30.  A healthy breakfast and a good night’s sleep will help your child do their best. 

Thank you to everyone who has had a chance to sign up for parent teacher conferences.  I look forward to meeting with each of you next week.

Mrs. Aisha Galt