Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday, December 20th

Dear Parents,

I can't believe it is already winter break. This year is flying by so quickly!

First, I would like to say thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts. I feel so blessed to be able to spend each day with your children and so loved by all your thoughtfulness. Thank you.

We have been working on writing opinion paragraphs with and without text support. The kids will finish these when we get back from break.  In reading we have been working on some test taking skills and also active reading strategies for deeper comprehension. The kids are coming along nicely with their skills. I will do mid year reading testing when we return and share the results with you in February conferences.

We are close to finishing our third unit- Time, Measurement and Graphing. We will do that the week we return from break and have a test on the unit most likely on the Friday we get back. Students' multiplication and division facts are really coming along. They are becoming more and more fluent. I'm so proud of them. Keep practicing those every day!

Social Studies:
We are in the middle of a unit on the Regions of the United States. We have had an overview of the five regions (West, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast and Northeast). When we return, the kids will break into smaller groups to become experts on one of the regions. 

Thank you again for supporting you kids every day, and also thank you for the thoughtful gifts you sent in. I am truly blessed.

Happy holidays and have a safe and restful break. See you all in 2014!! 
(First day back is Tuesday, January 7)

Mrs. Aisha Galt