Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 28th

Dear Parents,

We enjoyed the talent show today.  It is always exciting to see our Kohl students share different strengths.

We are looking forward to our field trip to the Morrison Natural History Museum next Thursday, May 4th.  Thank you to those of you who have been able to return the permission slip and fees.  If you have not done so, please have your child return their permission slip and money as soon possible next week.  

Thank you to our volunteer chaperones.  Please plan to come to our classroom at 9:00 on Thursday.  You will need a sack lunch and $7 for admissions to the museum.  

Students will need a sack lunch on Thursday and will also need to dress for being outside and walking.

Our 7th grade writing buddies are coming for their second visit on Friday, May 5th.  We are looking forward to seeing their drafted stories.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm!
Aisha Galt

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017

Dear Parents,

Our first week of PARCC testing is complete. I am proud of the hard work your children have put into these tests. Please continue to encourage your child to do their best!

This week we completed the ELA (English/Language Arts) sections and one Math section. Next week we will complete the Math and be finished with PARCC testing for the year! Remember, we are only testing on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week. There is no school on Friday.

In math we started Unit 5: Write Equations to Solve Word Problems.  Please remind your child to continue studying their basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. All of these operations will be used in this unit.

Next week students will start sharing their informational slide shows, and we will start working on our Opinion/ Persuasive Writing unit. Students will read and write opinion pieces. We will discuss the power of persuading our audience through clear, evidence based reasons.

Our current science unit is about Earth Materials. Your children are learning about rocks, minerals, and the rock cycle.

Important Dates:
April 10th, 12th, and 13th-Math PARCC testing
Wednesday, April 12- Middle School writing buddies
Friday, April 14- NO SCHOOL
Monday, April 17- NO SCHOOL
Thursday, April 20- Inspiration Exhibition (formerly Learning Fair)  4-6:30pm

Have a great weekend!
Aisha Galt