Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, January 27th

Dear Parents,

I would like to thank all of the parents who joined us for our field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science yesterday. It was a great success.  We couldn’t do it without you!

Our Valentine’s Day party is right around the corner. Our class party will be on Tuesday, February 14th from 1:30-2:30. As always, parents are invited to attend the party. Please stay tuned for information from our room mother about our Valentine’s Day party.

If your child chooses to bring Valentine cards to school, they need to have one for each child in our class.  Valentines should be brought to school on February 14th.  Students will also need a container to collect their Valentines during our party.  They can make something or just bring a bag. Handmade cards are encouraged.  Here is a list of student names to help with this task.  Thank you for your continued support.

Lizzie, Lily, Allen, Savannah, Cecilia, Taylor D., Keira, Zach D., Caleb, Annie, Taylor H., Hailey, Kylar, Elijah, Rileigh, Marcel, Eric, Dorian, Miles, Carter, Echo, Lyzelle, Joaquin, Beth, Jack, Zac T., Andres, Kaylee

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017

Dear Parents,

We have been working very hard since we returned from winter break. Here is a recap of what we are working on in third grade.

Important Dates:
Saturday, January 21-PTA Trivia Night
Thursday, January 26- Field Trip to Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Last week we took the second of three diagnostic assessments on iReady. I will analyze the results and this will help inform my instruction for the next trimester of school. I will share the results of this assessment with you in February at parent/teacher conferences.

We have been working on how to write informative pieces in writing using a text or multiple texts for evidence. Next week we will move on to our culminating unit project- Personal Research Reports. The students will choose a topic to research and write about it using text evidence. Then they will create a Google slides presentation to showcase their learning.

Don't forget to keep encouraging your child to use Reading Plus and iReady on the computer at home for part or all of their Reading Log.

We are working on Unit 4: Multi Digit Addition and Subtraction. I am impressed by the fluency in which students are adding multi digit numbers.  Rounding and estimating is one of the more challenging topics we have covered so far.  Please encourage your child to estimate sums and differences outside of school, the grocery store and restaurants provide great real world examples for estimating with money.

We are well into our Metric Measurement and Matter unit. We learned about the metric system of measurement and were able to use balance scales to measure mass in grams, syringes and graduated cylinders to measure capacity in milliliters, and meter sticks to measure distance.  We are learning about the three states of matter and how matter can change. We have learned about the properties of the three states of matter. Be sure to ask your child what they have learned so far.

Next Thursday (Jan. 26th) is our field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. If you have not had a chance to send in the permission slip and $10 fee, please do that as soon as possible. We have several parent volunteers: Terrence Dunn, Karen Hunter, Jax Jaramillo, Andrea Roy, and Ann Schimschal. If you are planning on going and don't see your name, please let me know, or if you are not planning on going and are on the list, let me know as soon as possible. This is a trip that will have parents in charge of small groups for part of the time. Parent volunteers will need to bring $5 for the IMAX movie. Parent volunteers should be in our classrooms that morning at 8:45. Students and chaperones will need to bring a sack lunch for the field trip. Thank you!

Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Aisha Galt

Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13th, 2017

Dear Parents,

We had a fantastic time at our play “Singing in the Rain” today! It was a perfect day. Your kids were amazing! Everyone seemed to be engaged and enjoyed it. Well, are you ready for another field trip? We will be going to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to see a Nature Max and other exhibits. There is a permission slip in your child’s Friday Folder. The suggested cost is $10.00. $5.00 for the bus and $5.00 for Nature Max. We will need parents to help out on this trip, so please mark yes if you are interested in going. Remember that you will need to have a background check to join us. Thank you!

The class did their Mid-Year I-Ready reading test this week. I will be sharing the results with you during our February conferences. I am very proud of the test results from the class. You have brilliant kids!

In math we are continuing to study place values, adding, subtracting and rounding. Please continue to review their multiplication and division facts.

The class will be able to do Reading Plus or iReady lessons for homework for the rest of the school year. Please try to have them use their assigned program at least once a week. If they would like to do more Reading Plus or i-ready that is great too. If you are still having problems using these programs from home, please let me know. Hopefully, everyone brought home their login reminder sheets this week. Check backpacks if you didn't see them.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember, no school Monday!

Aisha Galt

Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, January 6th

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. Our first week back was a super short one with the snow day.  It was great to see everyone and jump back into our work.  I am always impressed by the academic, social, and emotional growth that takes place during the second half of our third grade year. Please continue to communicate with me about how I can best support your child.  

I am not sending home Friday folders today, but students are coming home with information about Jump Rope For Heart in their backpacks.

Next week, we will be asking students to use their assigned reading program, Reading Plus or i-Ready, at home for their reading log at least once a week.They should write this time on their reading logs as part of their 100 minutes of weekly at-home reading.  

Important upcoming dates:

Friday, January 13th-Field Trip to the Broomfield Auditorium to see Singin’ in the Rain (Students will need a sack lunch for this trip.) No parents are needed on this trip.

Monday, January 16- No School MLK Jr. Day

Thursday, January 26- Field Trip to the Museum of Nature and Science.  Permission slips will come home next week in Friday folders. We will need parent helpers for this trip. If you can go, please indicate this on the permission slip. Remember, you must have the district background check completed before you can go with us.

Saturday, January 21- PTA Trivia Night. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this fun fundraiser. Adults only please. Check Friday folders, PTA Facebook page, or the school website for more information.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs. Aisha Galt