Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday, November 18th

Dear Parents,

Thank you for sending in food for the Kohl Food Drive. It is always amazing to see how much can be accomplished when everyone does a little bit.  Kohl collected hundreds of pounds of food!

Our Kohl Spelling Bee is set for Tuesday, December 6th. I wanted to congratulate our finalists. Annie Egy and Kylar Jaramillo will represent our third grade class in the spelling bee.  Beth Schimschal is our alternate.  

Your child has their report card in their Friday folder.  Please return the signed report card envelope on Monday, November 28th.  Thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your families.  I am so thankful to be part of the Kohl community!


Aisha Galt

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4th, 2016

Dear Parents,

Today is the last day of our first trimester. It’s hard to believe your children are ⅓ of the way through their 3rd grade year! Report cards for first trimester will go home on Friday, November 18.

We have been busy revising and editing our adapted fairy tales.  We will start publishing on Monday!

This week we finished up Unit 2 (Multiplication and Division 0-10) in math. All assessments will be in Friday folders today. Overall, the class did a great job on this assessment. It always amazes me how much they have learned over such a short period of time. Keep working on all of the multiplication and division facts at home.

Our next unit will begin on Monday. Unit 3 is Measurement, TIme and Graphing. This unit is a bit shorter and will be completed shortly after Thanksgiving break.

We also completed our unit in science, Life Cycles. The kids had a great time learning about all sorts of life cycles, watching life cycles in the classroom (frog, ladybugs and pea plants) and having Thorne Nature work with us. We have one more session with Thorne, next Wednesday. This has been an awesome addition to our unit. Life Cycles assessments will be coming home soon.

The Kohl Spelling Bee is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.  You will find a list of Third Grade spelling words in your child’s Friday folder.  This is completely optional, if your child would like to be in the spelling bee they can study this list. I will give the students a quick test of 15 random words from the list to qualify them for the spelling bee. Our top two spellers will have the opportunity to be in the Spelling Bee.

Mark you calendars:

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to turn back your clocks 1 hour on Saturday night.

Aisha Galt